NH Food Bank offers SNAP application assistance services and conducts outreach in communities throughout NH to better inform Granite Staters in need about SNAP benefits.
Need help with your grocery bill?
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – also known as SNAP – provides food assistance through an electronic card that can be used at grocery stores and some farmers’ markets. You may also see this program referred to as: EBT or Food Stamps.
Apply for SNAP benefits today!
- Apply online via NH DHHS
- To learn more about SNAP, visit: dhhs.nh.gov/snap
Do you have questions or need help applying?
- The SNAP team at the NH Food Bank is here to help. Call us at: 1-877-347-7627
Do you have currently have SNAP and have questions about your case?
- Call the NH Department of Health and Human Services at 603-271-9700 or email Maindo.dcs@dhhs.nh.gov.
SNAP is a federal program of the USDA and administered by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
How Does It Work?
- You can apply for SNAP benefits online via NH Easy
- You can get help completing your application online by calling 1-877-347-SNAP (1-877-347-7627) or emailing snap@nhfoodbank.org
- Don’t miss your interview appointment!
- Gather the required proofs to complete your application.
- Send in your proofs to NH DHHS:
- Upload your proofs to NH Easy
- Email, mail, or fax your proofs, or
- Drop off your proofs at the nearest NH DHHS district office.
- Don’t be late! Provide proofs for applications and re-certifications on time or you could lose your benefits and need to re-apply.
More SNAP/EBT Information and Resources
Eligibility Information:
- NH DHHS Bureau of Family Assistance Program Monthly Income Limits
- Gross income limit adjusted annually on October 1.
Additional Resources:
- Click here to find a NH DHHS Office Near You
- NH Department of Health and Human Services SNAP FAQ
- New Hampshire SNAP Employment & Training Services
- NH SNAP Employment & Training is a voluntary workforce program for SNAP recipients aimed to improve the economic mobility of every participant by providing high quality job training, education and support services. Please note: this program is administered by the NH Department of Health and Human Services.
Are you a community outreach partner?
Visit our Outreach Partner Resource page for additional resources.
Thank you to the following organizations for their support of NH Food Bank's SNAP Outreach:
- Walmart Foundation
- Catholic Charities USA
- New Hampshire Children’s Health Foundation
- Feeding America