Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

NH Feeding NH

The NH Food Bank’s ‘NH Feeding NH’ program, in partnership with the NH Food AllianceNH Farm Bureau and NOFA-NH,  is a statewide initiative designed to support the purchase of NH grown food to feed our food insecure neighbors with nutritious, locally grown fruits, vegetables, dairy and protein throughout NH communities, something we believe every Granite Stater should have access to. This program, modeled after our neighbors in Vermont and Maine, will not only support our local farmers, but will also help nourish communities in need, reduce food waste and replenish our local economy.

The NH Food Bank has more than 400 partner agencies across the state of NH including food pantries, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, children’s programs, senior centers and more.  ‘NH Feeding NH’ provides our agencies with funding to purchase local produce, protein and dairy , and connects them with local farmers in their area. Agencies will track and report their purchases to the NH Food Bank so that we may continue to improve and grow this program.

2024 Impact


farms were purchased from in 2024


total pounds of foods purchased (both by agencies and bulk orders)


partner agencies benefited from the program

We’re proud to share 177 farms participated in the NH Feeding NH’s 2023 season, providing 280 of our partner agencies with 503,543 pounds of nutritious, locally grown fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy through both partner agencies purchases and NH Food Bank bulk ordering.

We look forward to the continued growth of this program and the impact it will make in communities throughout the Granite State in 2024!

Maps & Resources

Are you a partner agency looking for local farms? Expand this map to find  NH farms near you.

Please note: This map includes locations of NH farms that have indicated they would like to be listed. A NH farm does not need to be on this map for partner agencies to purchase from it as a part of this program.

Additional resources:

Are You a NH Farmer?

Is your farm interested in any of the following:

  • Having your farm added to our map?
  • Forward contracting?
  • Granite State Market Match?
  • Bulk/wholesale purchasing?

Email Stephanie Walker , NH Food Bank’s NH Feeding NH Coordinator.