Mobile Food Pantry

The NH Food Bank’s Mobile Food Pantry program supplies neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity with relief assistance and typically travels to areas with low resources and/or a high need.

This program schedules regular distributions* throughout the state and then travels to those communities where an assortment of produce and shelf-stable foods are distributed directly to individuals in a drive-thru format. Food distributions take place on a first-come, first-served basis and are while supplies last.

*When funding allows

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find information about the next mobile food pantry?

Click here to see upcoming mobile food pantries. 

How many families receive food from one of your Mobile Food Pantry food drops?

 On average, each mobile food pantry distributions serves about 400 households.

How do you decide where to hold a Mobile Food Pantry?

Through quarterly statistics known as Meals Per Person in Need, which are available to us on a county-by-county basis, we are able to determine which areas of the state most need additional food distribution.  The Mobile Food Pantry program allows us to target those areas.

If there are leftovers, what happens to that food?

If local partner agencies have the capacity to store any excess food, it will be left with them for future distribution.  Otherwise, all items will be returned to the NH Food Bank for regular distribution to our partner agencies.

How much does it cost to sponsor a Mobile Food Pantry?

The cost of food and transportation for a Mobile Food Pantry that delivers one truckload of food is about $10,400 on average.  A donor may wish to fully fund a Mobile Food Pantry, or may donate a smaller amount which can be pooled together with other donations to fund the event. We are able to distribute approximately 400 shelf-stable food boxes and 400 produce boxes at each mobile food pantry to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity.

Who can I contact to discuss sponsoring a Mobile Food Pantry?

Please call or email Nancy Mellitt, Director of Development, at 603-669-9725 ext. 1129 or