Hunger in New Hampshire

Hunger impacts approximately 1 in 10 NH residents statewide.

As the only food bank in the state and a trusted leader for 40 years, the NH Food Bank works to ensure that all Granite Staters have access to the food and resources they need to thrive with the ultimate goal of eradicating hunger in NH.

Keep scrolling to learn more about how food insecurity impacts our neighbors and how the NH Food Bank is working to feed those experiencing hunger and fight its root causes.

Map the Meal Gap: Food Insecurity in NH

Map the Meal Gap LogoNH Food Bank is a Partner Food Bank of Feeding America. The food insecurity statistics shared below are reported by Map the Meal Gap 2024: A Report on County and Congressional District Food Insecurity and County Food Cost in the United States in 2022.

What is food insecurity? Food insecurity is defined by the USDA as the lack of access to enough food for an active, healthy life due to limited financial resources.

 1 in every 10 NH residents face food insecurity.

1 in every 10 NH residents experience food insecurity

 1 in every 7 NH children face food insecurity.

1 in every 7 NH children face food insecurity

How is the NH Food Bank fighting hunger statewide?

As the only food bank in the state and a trusted leader for 40 years, the NH Food Bank has worked to feed our friends and neighbors in need throughout the entire Granite State. Your support is crucial to our efforts to nourish our neighbors and work to fight the root causes of hunger in  every NH county.


NH Food Bank  distributes nutritious food to more than 400 agency partners which include food pantries, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, children’s programs, senior centers and more. The NH Food Bank operates in all 10 NH counties.

NHFB Statewide Map


NH Food Bank has created innovative programs designed to fight the root causes of hunger by empowering people to learn new skills, enabling them to become more self-sufficient & improve their quality of life.


Collage of program photos with the caption "NH Food Bank currently hosts or is piloting more than a dozen programs designed to empower individuals experiencing hunger with skills and resources that can help improve their quality of life.


Currently, the NH Food Bank serves over 400 agencies across the state. NH Food Bank supplies approximately 60% of the food those agencies distribute to those in need.


Graphic with the copy: The partnership between the NH Food Ban our parnter agencies is crucial to feeding those experiencing hunger and working toward our shared goal of ending hunger here in the Granite State.

NH Food Bank's Impact in 2023


Pounds of Food Distributed


Meals Provided


Agency Partners in NH

How You Can Help

The NH Food Bank could not do what we do without the generous support of individuals and organizations like you. Looking to make a difference? Here are some ways you can support the NH Food Bank:

  • Donate: NH Food Bank is able to provide 2 meals for every $1.28 donated.
  • Volunteer: Volunteers are vital to our mission of feeding our neighbors experiencing hunger throughout New Hampshire.
  • Host a Food Drive: Hosting a food drive is a great way to engage your community to help support your neighbors experiencing hunger.

Looking for Food & Other Resources?

Find links to our Food Map, Mobile Food Pantry Schedule, SNAP Application Assistance and more by clicking the button below.

Click here

Feeding America's Map the Meal Gap

Map the Meal Gap Logo

For additional information on Feeding America’s annual Map the Meal Gap Study, visit: Feeding America – Map the Meal Gap