
There are so many ways to give or get involved to help your neighbors experiencing hunger. Find the option that’s best for you.

Your donation to the NH Food Bank helps provide meals to our neighbors in need throughout NH.

Make a secure donation online or if you’d prefer to make a credit card donation over the phone, call: 603.669.9725

If you’d like to mail your donation, please make your check payable to New Hampshire Food Bank and mail to:

New Hampshire Food Bank
700 East Industrial Park Drive
Manchester, NH 03109

Donate Today

Giving Options

One-Time Donation

Your support of the NH Food Bank helps provide meals to our neighbors in need throughout NH.

Donate Today

Monthly Donation

Join our Freedom from Hunger Club as a monthly supporter. When you join this club, we’ll set up a monthly gift to be automatically charged to your credit or debit card on or after the 15th of each month – no more trying to remember to send a gift, it’s all done for you! We can provide you with a receipt for every gift or one at the end of the year showing all of your gifts for tax purposes.

Make a Monthly Donation

Tribute Donation

The most meaningful gift is the one that gives back. Make a gift in honor or memory of a person or special occasion and we’ll send the recipient a special note.

Make a Tribute Donation

Leave a Legacy

Your legacy support ensures a better tomorrow.

 Naming the New Hampshire Food Bank in your will or trust creates a lasting impact on your legacy and the communities we serve across the Granite State. Bequests may be made in the form of a specific dollar amount, property, a percentage, or the residue of an estate. You can also name the New Hampshire Food Bank as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account.*

To discuss leaving a legacy gift, please contact Nancy Mellitt at or 603-669-9725 ext. 1129.

*Please consult your tax, financial or legal adviser prior to making any final gift arrangements.

Matching Gifts

Check with your HR department to see if you can double your gift to the NH Food Bank!

Double your impact


Donate with Cryptocurrency

Make a cryptocurrency donation to the NH Food Bank through The Giving Block.

Donate Crypto

Show You Care with a Seasonal Card

NH Food Bank offers seasonal, personalized greeting cards* for a minimum donation of $25 per card. See below for options currently available. Click on the specific holiday to learn more.

Need assistance? Please call 603-669-9725 ext. 1121.

*Please note, these are physical greeting cards mailed to either you or the recipient of your choice, based on your preferences.

Seasonal Cards

Virtual Food Drive

Virtually “shop” for your neighbors in need using our virtual food drive.

Give Today

Mobile Food Pantry

The NH Food Bank’s Mobile Food Pantry program supplies neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity with relief assistance and typically travels to areas with low resources and/or a high need.

This program schedules regular distributions throughout the state and then travels to those communities where an assortment of produce and shelf-stable foods are distributed directly to individuals in a drive-thru format. Food distributions take place on a first-come, first-served basis and are while supplies last.

The cost of food and transportation for a Mobile Food Pantry that delivers one truckload of food is about $10,400 on average. A donor may wish to fully fund a Mobile Food Pantry, or may donate a smaller amount which can be pooled together with other donations to fund the event. We are able to distribute approximately 400 shelf-stable food boxes and 400 produce boxes at each mobile food pantry to individuals and families experiencing food insecurity.

For more information or to sponsor a mobile food pantry please call or email Nancy Mellitt, Director of Development, at 603-669-9725 ext. 1129 or